Releases 27/04/2017 - 20:59

'Weakening Mexico Harms The United States', Comments Grupo Salinas Founder, Ricardo B. Salinas

We need to further strengthen the relationship between the two countries 
for the well-being of hundreds of millions of people on both sides of the border

MEXICO CITY, April 27, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grupo Salinas, a group of dynamic, fast-growing and technologically advanced companies, deeply committed to the modernization of the countries where they operate, announced today that its founder, Ricardo B. Salinas, commented on his blog that weakening Mexico harms the United States, and we need to strengthen the relationship between both countries for the well-being of hundreds of millions of people.

Mr. Salinas's ideas arise in response to currents of thought in the United States that wrongly place the blame of US job losses on the trade relationship with Mexico.

Most of these jobs have been decimated by technological advancement, globalization and changing consumer preferences, which are beyond the control of any government. As an example of this, one can consider the case of several department stores in the United States that have been affected by e-commerce competitors that use efficient sales systems and advanced delivery logistics.

The same can be said of some automakers or steel companies, which have global competitors that offer additional alternatives of high quality and better prices to consumers.

Public policies that obstruct freedom of choice and free trade affect not only the United States but, of course, Mexico as well, which would move millions of workers from our country to the north, increasing migratory pressure. US investments in Mexico would be threatened, and many US exports to Mexico would lose a major market.

In this context, Mr. Salinas adds that Mexico's cooperation is at risk on border issues such as security, not to mention the failed war on drugs.

Finally, it would generate a wide political discomfort in Mexico, and promote anti-Americanism, which would end by severing a successful partnership between the two countries, which would force Mexico to approach other US rival powers.

Mr. Salinas is firmly convinced that it is necessary to continue building a strong and prosperous alliance with the United States, as we have done in recent years, uniting our peoples instead of dividing them, and further boosting levels of competitiveness and well-being in the region. For this and other Ricardo Salinas blog postings, visit

About Grupo Salinas

Grupo Salinas ( is a group of dynamic, fast growing, and technologically advanced companies focused on creating: economic value through market innovation and goods and services that improve standards of living; social value, to create social capabilities to improve the communities conditions; and environmental value, by reducing the negative impact related to its business activities. Created by Mexican entrepreneur Ricardo B. Salinas (, Grupo Salinas operates as a management development and decision forum for the top leaders of member companies. These companies include: TV Azteca (; Azteca America (, Grupo Elektra (, Banco Azteca (, Advance America (, Afore Azteca (, Seguros Azteca (, Punto Casa de Bolsa (, Totalplay ( and Enlace TP ( TV Azteca and Grupo Elektra trade shares on the Mexican Stock Market and are part of its Sustainability Index. Each of the Grupo Salinas companies operates independently, with its own management, board of directors and shareholders. Grupo Salinas has no equity holdings. The group of companies shares a common vision, values and strategies for achieving rapid growth, superior results and world-class performance.

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