Releases 02/10/2023 - 15:06 and its US Subsidiary WM Holdings Inc. publish articles on why Currently-Envisaged CBDCs Do Not Exist and Cannot Be Created, and Detailing their Unitary Global Digital Currency

Global Telephony Provider and its US Subsidiary WM Holdings Inc. which have created the worlds first fully-functional Unitary Global Digital Currency equivalent and Unitary Global Clearing System equivalent detail, from practical experience, why Currently-Envisaged CBDCs are impossible to create, and detail the Structure, Functionality and Capacities of their Unitary Global Digital Currency and Unitary Global Clearing System

LONDON and NEW YORK, March 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Global Digital Currencies. New Way = Progress. Old Way = Dead Details How and Why the New Way of Solving the Global Digital Currency Requirement was Successful

For over 10 years, and at a cumulative cost of well over USD 1 Trillion, entities worldwide have been proposing the creation of a CBDC Digital Currency, with its stated purpose being to bring various advantages to the Global Financial and Economic Systems either for the entities running the system, or for the public at large.

So far, to date, and despite this long passage of time and extraordinary expense, not one functioning CBDC instrument as currently-envisaged has been created worldwide, and there is no sign that one will be created at all.

In fact, in Webtel.mobis review of claimed Operational CBDCs or In-Process CBDCs to date, its findings indicate that what has been created so far are either:

  1. Local internet-accessible variants of existing Central Bank Digital Currencies (which have, in fact, already existed for decades) that are like pre-19th Century Currencies restricted to local use, or

  2. Digital Payment Systems, that are not even internationalized in the manner that already-old Payment Services Providers Digital Payment Systems already are, or

  3. Systems that actually run off the existing infrastructures of the already-old Payment Services Providers Digital Payment System networks.

This situation raises fundamental questions relating to the credibility of statements to date as well as ongoing statements by entities who continue to cling to the Old Way, relating to their completed or imminent implementation of such currently-envisaged CBDC instruments, as well as questions related to the future of the global digitalization of currency. Among others these questions include:

  1. Why and how is it that after such a long time, and at such extraordinary cost, no functioning CBDC as currently-envisaged has been created rather entering into the twilight world inhabited by all of the many other previous quests for a Global Currency / One World Currency / Universal Digital Currency ?

  2. Is it even possible to create a Unitary Global Digital Currency?

  3. If it is, how could it be achieved, and what would the results and ramifications of such an instrument encompass? and its US Subsidiary WM Holdings Inc., which following a New Way have in fact already created, and run, the worlds first Tested, Due Diligenced, Proven and Fully Operational Unitary Global Digital Currency; provide the answers to these questions; and also provide the details in their experience as to:

  1. Why it is impossible to create a CBDC as currently-envisaged.

  2. What is required to create a Unitary Global Digital Currency as already created by

  3. The results and Global Ramifications of the creation and operation of the worlds first fully-operational Unitary Global Digital Currency, and the Unitary Global Clearing System in which it is operational.

In a two-Part Article, now being released for public review, these details reveal with clear factual descriptions the issues faced with regard to attempts to create CBDCs as currently-envisaged.

They also describe the capacities and advantages of Webtel.mobis existing Unitary Global Digital Currency which not only renders the concepts of currently-envisaged CBDCs redundant before they are created; but furthermore encompass far-advanced capacities of the currently-envisaged CBDCs, and allows all entities to immediately commence use thereof as their own National or Currency-specific CBDCs without incurring any systemic risk.

Due to article length and to facilitate ease-of-access, this two part article has been made available for online viewing and download with copyright removed to allow for elective republication at the following url:

The public release of this two-part article occurred at 12:00 London time / 07:00 New York time on March 6, 2023, and the two parts of the article are currently available for public review at the url shown above.


To view the Two-Part Article on Webtel.mobis existing Unitary Global Digital Currency:

WM Holdings Inc. website: Platform:

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Global Digital Currencies. New Way = Progress. Old Way = Dead End

Global Telephony Provider and its US Subsidiary WM Holdings Inc. which have created the worlds first fully-functional Unitary Global Digital Currency equivalent and Unitary Global Clearing System equivalent detail, from practical experience, why Currently-Envisaged CBDCs are impossible to create, and detail the Structure, Functionality and Capacities of their Unitary Global Digital Currency and Unitary Global Clearing System

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